“The Healing Road to Heaven” Video Interview with Chester Mitchell

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In this interview Pastor Chester Mitchell talks with me about his second book “The Healing Road to Heaven.”Healing Road to Heaven Cover

Pastor Mitchell shares:

  • How NY Times best-selling author Mark Batterson came to write the forward.
  • Why he wrote a book on pain and healing.
  • How he ran out of faith praying for his dad to come to Christ.
  • What made the passing of his father “bittersweet.”
  • Why he wrote the book to help anyone take the next step towards finding peace.

Pastor Mitchell writes with refreshing honesty and hope about the journey from Pain to Peace. Pick up a copy today at ChesterMitchell.org or on Amazon.

After you watch register HERE to win a copy of “The Healing Road to Heaven.”

(NOTE: the book trailer and pop-up quotes will not appear on a mobile device)


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